Hillview Road Augusta 6290, Western Australia
Sand Greens Etiquette

After completing a hole, please empty the sand from the cup.
The sand around the cup should be flattened with a sand scrape to at least one-club-length from the cup.
Please leave the scraper off the green and behind the flag and to one side.
At no stage should the flag be allowed to touch the putting surface

Course Care
Divots: Take a bucket of sand with you onto the course. Repair divots by heavily crushing the sides of each divot with a lofted club, then smooth with sand.
Motorised carts are not to be driven off maintained grass areas or designated pathways.
The Local Rules applicable to Augusta GC are displayed on the noticeboard behind the first tee.
Internet reception on the course is not sufficiently reliable to use the MiScore App.​
Scorecards are available at the first tee.